Personal Web Projects

  1. Blundle image


    ReactTailwind CSS

    A wordle-style daily chess puzzle game built with React, MUI, TailwindCSS, and Lichess API.

  2. Portfolio image


    Next.jsSanity.ioTailwind CSS

    The site you are currently on. Built with Next.js for the front and backend, Tailwind CSS for styling, and for content management.

  3. Vexed image


    ReactFirebaseMobile Friendly

    Vexed lets you test your knowledge of international flags. There are multiple game modes for different time and region settings. Users can compete on the leaderboard and track their best scores on their profile page. Made with React, Bootstrap, and Firebase.

  4. BiblioSort image


    Next.jsTailwind CSSFirebase

    I made BiblioSort to help me organise the different references I was using for my reports and essays. Made with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase.

  5. Rangi image


    Next.jsMobile Friendly

    Rangi is a web app for finding samples used in your favourite songs and albums. It consumes a Genius Song Lyrics API. This was my first Next.js project and I started it when the app router was still in beta. The word rangi means tune, air, melody, tenor, drift. Inspired by a uni group project.